Thursday Night Wildcard Run (GGP 3.5 mile tempo run)-01/13/22


1 mile warm-up (easy pace) – from Kezar Stadium to 10th Ave and JFK.
2 mile tempo (comfortably hard intensity) – starts at 10th Ave and JFK, finishes at MLK and 9th Ave
1/2 mile cool down (easy pace) – at MLK and 9th Ave, slow things down on the short return back to Kezar Stadium

From Coach Toby….

Tempo workouts are an excellent alternative to speed work on the track. They help our bodies adapt to running faster, build endurance, and develop mental tenacity. This workout is recommended for runners of all abilities.I’ll provide guidance for how to tackle this one before we head over to the park. See you Thursday nite!

Map My Run:


-1 Mile Warm Up
-Exit West Gate of Kezar Stadium and turn left
-Quick left turn at Kezar Drive and then right at stoplight to cross Kezar Drive into GG Park via MLK Drive
-At T-Stop cross street and turn right onto Bowling Green Drive
-Follow Bowling Green Drive to JFK Drive At JFK Drive, cross street and turn left.
-You will see the Conservatory of Flowers on the right Run west on JFK.

2 Mile Tempo:

-After crossing 8th Avenue intersection (on the right), run another 50 yards or so and look for “RC Start” chalk on the ground. -You’ll start your tempo running here. Continue west on JFK
-Go under the overpass. After the overpass, you’ll come to a four way stop, Transverse Avenue.
-At Transverse Avenue, cross and turn left, staying on the sidewalk. Follow Transverse to MLK Drive T
-Turn left onto MLK Drive
-Cross 19th Avenue and continue east along MLK Drive
-Take MLK Drive all the way to MLK Drive and 9th Avenue. Here you will segue into your cool down.

1/2 Mile Cool Down:

-At MLK and 9th Avenue turn left to stay on MLK
-Follow MLK until intersection with Bowling Green Drive
-Turn right to stay on MLK Drive.
-Crossover Kezar Drive at light and return to Kezar Stadium to finish.

Nicely done!

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