Hey Folks,
It’s been a challenging few weeks. It’s been tough not running with you in person.
It’s also been tough finding/marking courses that work for EVERYONE.
With this in mind, our FINAL run of the season is a loop that ‘hopefully’ will work for most of you.
You might need to walk/jog a bit to ‘hop on the loop’, but use this as a warmup (& cooldown).
While the course ‘starts/ends’ at A Runner’s Mind, you can access this route from pretty much anywhwere.
Here’s a link to the course map for your reference-
Here are turn-by-turn directions (assuming a start/finish at ARM)…
-Starting at A Runner’s Mind (3575 Sacramento St). Take Sacramento to Cherry.
-Take a left on Cherry & connect with Jordan.
-Follow Jordan to Stanyan. Continue on Stanyan. Take Stanyan to Page.
– Left on Page (Page is one of the ‘slow streets’) & follow to Market.
-Take a left on Market & follow to Kearny.
-Take a left on Kearny & follow to Columbus.
-Take a quick left on Columbus and a quick left on Pacific.
-Follow Pacific to Scott.
-Take a left on Scott and follow to Sacramento
-Take a right on Sacramento.
-Finish at ARM.