Wildcard Run (Tried. True. TEMPO!)-04/8/21


From Coach Toby…

Tempo runs. They improve mental toughness. They build strength. They make you faster.

Every runner can do them. Every runner should do them.

I often incorporate this type of short tempo session into my run commutes home from work, work travel, and short Sunday afternoon or evening “weekend wrap-up” runs.

I LOVE the challenge and I really appreciate that they only take 30-60 minutes of my time. Small investment. Big gains.

For those unfamiliar, tempo running (sometimes called lactate threshold running) is a type of run where after an easy-pace warm-up, you ease in to a “comfortably hard” pace for a prescribed distance or amount of time.

Thursday’s workout:

-10-15 min warm up
-2 miles tempo (comfortably hard)
-Cool down run back to Kezar Stadium (approximately 3.5 miles total)

Route: Thursday Tempo Route

Tried. True. Tempo. Let’s do it!

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