Thanks for making our first season of wildcard runs a success!
I first learned about ‘mashups’ from a fellow Run Clubber who invited everyone to a night out dancing at a SOMA club in San Francisco.
The deejay mixed together songs, usually two or three unusual suspects (think Dolly Parton meets Royksopp meets Cypress Hill) to create something totally new, cool, unfamiliar and fun.
Who doesn’t like that? At Run Club, we like to throw in a mashup once in a while. Some pavement, some trails, some hills, forest green and city grays mixed in for good measure. No headphones needed – our city is the perfect place to lose yourself in running mashup bliss.
Check out the course map for tonight’s ‘mashup run’!
Please review the route map and print/take a copy with you.
-Exiting the stadium’s west entrance, we’ll head south and make a quick LEFT on Frederick St followed by a RIGHT onto Willard (just in front of Kezar entrance).
-Head up Willard (enjoy the climb)
-Take a right onto Belmont and take a left onto Edgewood
-Edgewood dead-ends at the forest edge. Proceed into the forest on Edgewood Trail. Proceed to intersection with Historic Trail.
-Turn LEFT onto Historic Trail and proceed down through the forest all the way to Stanyan St.
-Turn RIGHT onto Stanyan and run (or walk.. it’s steep!) one block to Belgrave.
-Turn LEFT onto Belgrave. Take Belgrave to its very end. Enter trail to Tank Hill.
-Climb up steps to the top of Tank Hill and enjoy the views.
-Turn around and return back down Belgrave to Stanyan. Turn RIGHT on Stanyan. Take Stanyan to Panhandle/Fell.
-Turn LEFT at Fell into Golden Gate Park (JFK Drive)
-Turn LEFT onto Nancy Pelosi
-Veer LEFT onto Bowling Green Drive
-Turn LEFT onto Martin Luther King Jr. Cross Kezar Dr and return to Kezar stadium
-Mashup complete!