Simply ‘running’ (at comfortable/conversational pace) is in some ways a fundamentally different sport from ‘running fast’. Running fast(er) uses different muscles in different ways. It requires a greater range of motion. In short, it’s more demanding!
So, running fast does (unfortunately) come with some degree of discomfort and fatigue. But, there are some ‘fun’ ways to inject a bit of levity into these workouts that can be challenging both mentally and physically. Enter the ‘Tempo Tour of Golden Gate Park!’.
We’ll rendezvous at the WEST entrance to Kezar at 6:30. At 6:35, we’ll walk over to Golden Gate Park together and do a warmup jog to the intersection of Nancy Pelosi Drive @ JFK. We’ll do our range of motion drills and commence the ‘tour’.
We’ll start at comfortable, conversational pace. But, every time you see a certain landmark on JFK, you’re switching gears into tempo pace. This pace should be a ‘bit’ slower than your fartlek pace. Think of it as ‘comfortably hard’. You can maybe get a few words out if you’re chatting with someone next to you. But, you can’t have a solid ‘conversation’.
Here’s a link to the course map…..
Tempo Tour of Golden Gate Park
Here’s a breakdown of the landmarks that we’ll be using to switch gears…
- Run at comfortable, conversational pace to the ‘No Dancing’ sign on the left side of JFK (.29 miles).
- Run at tempo pace to the ‘Rose Garden’ (there’s a large ‘Rose Garden’ sign on the right side of JFK (.66 miles).
- Run at comfortable, conversational pace to the intersection of JFK @ Blue Lake Heron Dr (formerly Stow Lake Dr-.87 miles).
- Run at tempo pace to the intersection of JFK/Transverse (1.16 miles).
- Run at comfortable, conversational pace to Lloyd Lake (1.33 miles).
- Run at tempo pace all the way to Lake Spreckles (2.02 miles).
- Turn around at Lake Spreckles and use the landmarks above (in reverse) to switch gears all the way back to our start in front of the Flower Observatory!