Speed, Strengthening, & Stabilizing. OH MY!


Speed is great. But, without balance and strength, there’s only so far (and fast) you can go.

With this in mind, we’ve got a fun ‘speed’ infused bootcamp session! I’d recommend bringing a towel or mat for this one as some of our drills will take place on the ground.

Here’s the thrust of what we’ve got lined up for you….

-Jog a few laps (easy & ‘fartlek’ style) followed by our range of motion drills.

-Run a fartlek lap (easy on the curves/hard on the straights). After you complete the lap, you”ll segue into some drills. We’ll typically do ‘4’ drills per lap. The drills will vary each lap but you can expect planks, lunges, squats, pushups, and a variety of other drills.

-We’ll aim to get ‘5’ circuits of laps/drills done.

-Rounding things out, we’ll conquer THE BELL LAP! Once ALL circuits are completed, you’ll run one last lap to wrap things up. Run the first 200 SLOW/EASY and then UNLEASH HELL on the last 200!

-Once you’ve caught your breath, you’ll run 1-2 easy laps to cool down.

-Segue into happy hour! 🙂

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