From Coach Toby……
Nice job on the hills!
This week: We start slow, we finish fast. Lace up, we’re heading to Golden Gate Park’s flatter grounds for our first progression run of the season. Progression runs involve starting your run at a slow easy pace and gradually speeding up throughout the workout.
A stopwatch is required for this workout. Use your GPS, smart watch, or phone.
This workout is known as a Thirds Progression run. After a group warm up, you’ll run 10 minutes at an easy pace, 10 minutes at a comfortably hard pace (think race pace), and finally 10 minutes at a hard pace. Important! The last third is not an all out sprint. Think more of running at a tempo pace, or slightly faster than your race pace. If you run too hard you won’t be able to sustain the workout.
Use your stopwatch to know when to transition into the next level of exertion. The transitions should be smooth and gradual, and provide a great opportunity to focus on your running form. When you are done your last third, ease into a comfortable cool down pace and return to Kezar Stadium from the park.
Progression Run Loop (run clockwise):