From Coach Toby….
Hills (aka-‘speedwork in disguise’). Love or hate them, running in San Francisco, we can’t avoid them. And nor should we! After a 1.5 mile warm-up along the perimeter of the Panhandle, we will segue into hill repeats along Stanyan Street. We’ll provide guidance before the run on how to best approach the workout.
Warm up:
-Exit Kezar Stadium’s west gate, then turn right onto the paved path that runs along Kezar Drive. This will lead us to Stanyan and Oak streets.
-At the intersection, cross Stanyan then make a left to get onto the Panhandle.
-From here we’ll do a loop around the Panhandle, running in a clockwise direction.
-At Masonic, make a right, then right at Oak Street. Continue back to Stanyan Street to complete the loop.
-At Stanyan, make a right and proceed to the corner of Fell and Stanyan Streets.
-This will be the starting location for the hill repeats. After the workout, we will return to the stadium the way we came.
Each repeat is .4M total (.2m up, .2m recovery down)
Beginners – 3 repeats (1.2M)
Intermediate 4 repeats (1.6M)
Advanced/Race – 5 repeats (2M)
Begin at the corner of Stanyan and Fell. Run up (north) to the top of the hill. At Fulton St, turn around and return to Fell (repeat).