How did you become interested in the sport of running?
My little sibling talked me into trying cross country in high school, no idea why I went along with it but I’m glad I did.
What neighborhood in SF or city do you live?
The Mission.
What is your real life job?
Software Developer at Google.
What is your favorite race distance and run type (road/trail) and why?
My favorite distance is Half Marathon because that’s what we train for in Run Club 😉
What race, if any, are you training for?
SF (2nd) Half Marathon.
What is your favorite part about Run Club?
The people! Love the social aspect of the club, for an antisocial like me it’s really nice to be forced to interact with so many cool people. The runs are a nice side effect.
Besides running, do you have any other hobbies?
Too many! Selections include: Livestreaming while I code on various side projects (, video games (I run a biweekly tournament for Smash Ultimate), working on my car, various mentorship programs, and learning about climate change (it’s heavy stuff but I ultimately want to do what I can to work on it as part of my career).
Is there anything that you’d like Run Club participants to know about you that wasn’t asked above?
I can ramble about my car for a looong time. It’s a ’98, ’99, and ’01 Honda CR-V (really 3 cars put together) and has a manual “4-and-a-half”-speed transmission with nearly 310,000 miles!
What is your favorite adult beverage and why is it your favorite? (if applicable)
Does water count?
If you could have lunch with anyone (alive or dead), who would it be and why?
Everyone in Run Club.
Do you have any pets – what is/are their name(s) and what type(s) of animals?
No, but my plants have names and I think that’s close enough. I have a Pothos named April (predates me meeting April the human), a Rhapidophora Tetrasperma named Twig (there’s a story there), and an Orchid named Ernestine.