Thursday Wildcard Run-Mount Olympus Mash-Up (3.5 miles)-4/21/22


From Coach Toby…..

Mashup runs stitch together a variety of terrains. For this week that means trails, pavement, flats and a few hills for good measure. This short three and a half miler is one of my favorites and I appreciate being able to share it with you.

It showcases just how beautiful and diverse San Francisco’s running landscape can be. Highlights: forest jaunt through Sutro Forest, brief stop at Mount Olympus (a hardly known San Francisco hill which according to SF Parks and Recreation is the city’s geographic center), and a nice flat and easy stretch along Golden Gate Park’s Panhandle.



-Exiting Kezar Stadium’s west entrance, turn left and then left again onto Frederick St.
-Turn right onto Willard St (just in front of Kezar Stadium entrance). Head up Willard St. Turn right onto Belmont St, then left onto Edgewood St.
-Edgewood dead ends at Sutro Forest’s edge. Proceed into the forest on Edgewood Trail. Proceed to the intersection with Historic Trail. Turn left onto Historic Trail and proceed down the trail all the way to Stanyan St.
-Cross Stanyan St, turn left and then make a quick right onto 17th St.
-Take 17th St to the intersection with Clayton St. Cross Clayton, run straight and then make a quick and run up the stairs (Monument Way).
-At top of staircase, turn left onto Upper Terrace. Run around Upper Terrace (it’s a loop) Climb up the steps to the top of Mount Olympus. You are now in the middle of SF. Literally!
-Exit back onto street and complete the loop back to and down the Monument Way staircase. Turn right at 17th St. Turn right onto Clayton St. Take Clayton St to Oak St and cross over into the Panhandle.
-Take the Panhandle’s paved sidewalk path west to Stanyan St. Turn left at Stanyan to cross Oak, then make a quick right to cross Stanyan onto Kezar Drive.
-Run along paved path back to Kezar Stadium. Mashup complete!

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