Wildcard Run (Stanyan Hill Repeats)-1/6/22


From Coach Toby……

Hill repeats! Every runner’s ally, they help build strength, improve our speed and coordination, and develop mental grit.

After a 1.5 mile Panhandle warm-up, we will segue into hill repeats along Stanyan Street, starting at its base at Fell St up to Fulton St and back. Each repeat is .4M total (.2m up, .2m recovery down)

Beginners – 3 repeats (1.2M)
Intermediate 4 repeats (1.6M)
Advanced/Race – 5 repeats (2M)

Warm up

Mapmyrun: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/2744532028

Exiting the stadium’s west gate, turn right and run on the paved sidewalk path along Kezar Drive. At Stanyan and Oak streets, cross Stanyan then make a left at Oak to get onto the Panhandle. We’ll do a clockwise loop from here, running along the paved Panhandle path. At Masonic, make a right, right on Oak Street, and then back to Stanyan Street to complete the loop.

After completing the loop, turn right and proceed to the corner of Fell and Stanyan Streets. This is the starting location for the hill repeats. After the workout, we will return to the stadium the way we came.

Hill Repeats Course Map(s)

Mapmyrun: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/2934175546
Strava: https://www.strava.com/routes/24467994

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