This route starts/ends in front of Psoas Massage & Bodywork at 333 3rd Street (btwn Folsom/Harrison)
- From 333 3rd Street, head towards Howard Street
- Turn LEFT on Howard and head towards 9th Street.
- Turn RIGHT on 9th Street. 9th turns into Hayes past Market.
- At Hayes/Polk, you will have logged 1.5 miles. This is the turnaround for 3 miles.
- At Hayes/Buchanan, you will have logged 2 miles. This is the turnaround for 4 miles.
- At Hayes/Scott, you will have logged 2.5 miles. This is the turnaround for 5 miles.
- Continue on Hayes to Baker Street and turn LEFT.
- Follow Baker all the way to Haight Street and the Buena Vista Peace Symbol at the entrance to Buena Vista Park. This is 3 miles and the turnaround for 6 miles.
- If you want 7 miles, continue on the paved path that goes around the park in a clockwise direction.
- Once you’ve reached the intersection of Buena Vista Ave East & Upper Terrace, turn around & head back to PSOAS for 7 miles!