Wild Card Workout – San Francisco Pride 50th Anniversary 5K Celebration Run (3.1 miles)-06/25/20


From Coach Toby

This weekend marks the 50th Anniversary of the San Francisco Pride Parade & Celebration. I’m so proud to be part of a city that celebrates LGBT people and communities.

Join me (and your fellow Run Club teammates) on a celebratory scoot through San Francisco’s Castro District. As we can’t yet all run together, show your pride by posting pics on our Facebook page.

Cheers and Happy Pride!




-Begin at the southeast corner of Market and Castro Streets
-Run east along Market Street
-Turn right on Dolores Ave
-Run through 18th Avenue.
-After 18th Avenue, Dolores Park will be on your left
-Run a block to 19th Avenue and turn left into the park.
-Run up and through the park.
-Exit the park at 19th Street and Church Street
-Continuing running west on 19th Street
-Take 19th all the way to 18th Street
-Turn right on 18th Street
-Take 18th Street to Castro Street
-Turn left on Castro Street
-Return to Market St start
-Turn right onto Market St and run a half block
-5K done!

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