The ‘EPIC Water Feature’ Challenge Sponsored by Hint Water!


The Challenge (should you so accept it)

Take the most amazing pic of an EPIC water feature (lake, pond, waterfall, ocean, etc). If you simply can’t run by a naturally occurring water featured, get creative! Use your bathtub, toilet, sink, etc!

The Rules….

-1)Post a pic of your EPIC Water Feature (while running) on Instagram (and/or Facebook).

-2)Tag @hint AND @runclubsf in your post.

-3)Use the hashtags #runclubsf and #drinkhint in your post. 

-4)All posts must be completed/submitted by EOD SUNDAY, 5/24 in order to qualify for the prizes below.

The Rewards….

THREE runners who participate will be chosen by Hint Water for the following prizes…..

-1st place-THREE cases of Hint Water

2nd place-TWO cases of Hint Water

3rd place-ONE cases of Hint Water

*NOTE-If social media is NOT your thing, simply EMAIL ME a photo of your EPIC Water Feature while running.

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