The Challenge (should you so accept it)…
Take the most amazing pic of an EPIC water feature (lake, pond, waterfall, ocean, etc). If you simply can’t run by a naturally occurring water featured, get creative! Use your bathtub, toilet, sink, etc!
The Rules….
-1)Post a pic of your EPIC Water Feature (while running) on Instagram (and/or Facebook).
-2)Tag @hint AND @runclubsf in your post.
-3)Use the hashtags #runclubsf and #drinkhint in your post.
-4)All posts must be completed/submitted by EOD SUNDAY, 5/24 in order to qualify for the prizes below.
The Rewards….
THREE runners who participate will be chosen by Hint Water for the following prizes…..
-1st place-THREE cases of Hint Water
2nd place-TWO cases of Hint Water
3rd place-ONE cases of Hint Water
*NOTE-If social media is NOT your thing, simply EMAIL ME a photo of your EPIC Water Feature while running.