Saturday Long Run Course Map/Description (10-13 miles)-11/7/20


On Saturday, we’ve got 10-13 miles scheduled. Here’s a link to the course map-

Saturday Long Run Course Map

Head across Kezar Drive and connect with MLK. Follow MLK left (WEST) towards Sunset Boulevard for just over two miles. At Sunset Boulevard turn LEFT on the trail that runs parallel to Sunset and head SOUTH towards Lake Merced.

You’ll continue running on this trail towards Lake Merced for roughly 2.5 miles. Once you reach Lake Merced, connect with the Lake Merced Bike Path and turn RIGHT (WEST).

Once you’re across from ‘Bonnie Brae Lane’, you will have logged 5 MILES. Look for a ‘RC10’ in chalk in the middle of the path. Beginner runners turn around here and head back the way you came for 10 MILES!

Everyone else will continue running WEST along the Lake Merced Bike Path. Once you’re across from ‘Herbst Road’, you will have logged 5.5. MILES. Look for a ‘RC11’ in chalk in the middle of the path. Intermediate runners turn around here and head back the way you came for 11 MILES!

Advanced and Race level runners will continue running for another 1/2 a mile on the pedestrian path. Look for a ‘RC12’ in chalk in the middle of the path. Advanced runners turn around here and head back the way you came for 12 MILES!

Race level runners will continue running for another 1/2 a mile on the pedestrian path. Look for a ‘RC13’ in chalk in the middle of the path adjacent to a pedestrian crosswalk. Race runners turn around here and head back the way you came for 13 MILES!

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