Wildcard Run (The Positives of Being Negative)-7/1/21


From Coach Toby…

Beginning a race slowly and progressively picking up the pace can reap big rewards. This concept is called running negative splits. A key to achieving negative splits is to incorporate this strategy into our regular running routine. Whether new to the sport or a seasoned runner, join me tonight to learn and practice how this all works.

-1M warm up
-1M repeats x 3
-1M cool down
-(5 miles total)

-Mental Fortitude
-Injury Prevention
-Speed Training

Please review the route maps via this link:

Warm up and cool down:


1M repeats:


Warm up/cool down directions to and from Stow Lake….

We will warm up and run together to Stow Lake.

-Exiting Kezar Stadium’s west entrance, turn right and proceed to the stoplight.
-At stoplight, cross Kezar Drive and proceed onto MLK Jr Drive.
-At intersection with Bowling Green, cross street and turn left to stay on MLK Jr Drive.
-At 9th Ave, turn right to stay on MLK Jr Drive.
-Immediately after passing Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive on your right, look and take the pedestrian path that veers off to the right.
-Shortly thereafter, take the first path you see on your left. This path will lead you to Stow Lake Drive.
-At Stow Lake Drive, cross over pedestrian path to the sidewalk surrounding the lake.
-This is the start and finish location for the workout and each counterclockwise 1 mile loop around the lake.
-After completing three loops, proceed back to Kezar Stadium the way you came.

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