The tempo run. Every runner can do it. It builds strength. It builds mental toughness. It makes you faster.
As we’ve all learned, running is a very honest sport. There’s no free ticket to improved speed, fitness or podium finishes. Any kudos we get are kudos well earned.
Tempo runs are not a huge investment and they pay tremendous dividends. That’s why I like them so much and encourage all runners to incorporate them into their training. They are one of the primary reasons I am running as strong and fast as I am today, and why as I get older, my performance continues to get better.
For those unfamiliar, tempo running (sometimes called lactate threshold running) is a type of run where after an easy-pace warm-up, you ease in to a “comfortable hard” pace for a prescribed distance or amount of time.
Prior to the run, I will share the benefits of this type of training and will provide guidance and instruction on how to execute this workout session.
10-15 min warm up, 20 minutes tempo, cool down run back to Kezar. PLEASE take a look at the course map below!
Tried. True. Tempo!